Who was Lee Harvey Oswald? | Octafish | Nov-19-08 12:22 AM | #0 |
 Thank you, Octafish! An enthusiastic K and R! | RufusTFirefly | Nov-19-08 12:30 AM | #1 |
  You're welcome, RufusTFirefly! Thank you! | Octafish | Nov-19-08 12:42 AM | #2 |
 All you really need to know... | JFKfanforever | Nov-19-08 12:44 AM | #3 |
  Ex-CIA man James Wilcott testified to Congress that Oswald was a CIA employee. | Octafish | Nov-19-08 04:43 PM | #38 |
   Please accept my enthusiastic thanks for posting this! n/t | truedelphi | Nov-19-08 07:15 PM | #44 |
   One problem--Manchester's book looked at Oswald's finances after he died. | mistertrickster | Nov-20-08 03:59 PM | #79 |
    They would never disclose his W-2 statements nor his income taxes ... | defendandprotect | Nov-21-08 09:57 PM | #112 |
    A bit obvious, dont'cha think? | RFKin2008 | Nov-22-08 06:22 AM | #140 |
   Many CIA employees came forward to attest that Oswald was CIA -- they were harassed/intimidated... | defendandprotect | Nov-21-08 10:04 PM | #113 |
  I have no doubt right wing elements of our government killed Kennedy | desktop | Nov-20-08 10:19 AM | #64 |
 Hey! The Warren Commission must be true because Gerald Ford was on the commission | dflprincess | Nov-20-08 01:54 PM | #73 |
  So was Arlen Specter. | old mark | Nov-20-08 04:25 PM | #81 |
 Specter was an attorney to the Commission and is generally | dflprincess | Nov-20-08 05:25 PM | #83 |
 David Atlee Phillips even posed as a Liberal... | MinM | Nov-21-08 01:30 PM | #109 |
 Averill Harriman and John Foster Dulles too... | MinM | Nov-22-08 10:25 PM | #142 |
 K&R | ToolTex | Nov-19-08 12:47 AM | #4 |
  The Good Spy | Octafish | Nov-19-08 05:00 PM | #41 |
  YIKES | 123infinity | Nov-19-08 08:52 PM | #53 |
 On message: Another aging Warren Commission witness comes clean | RufusTFirefly | Nov-19-08 01:20 AM | #5 |
  What happened to the curtain rods? | wtmusic | Nov-19-08 01:33 AM | #6 |
   Oswald apparently brought them to work twice!! | RufusTFirefly | Nov-19-08 01:47 AM | #8 |
  After 40 Years, the First National Security Whistleblower Still Seeks Justice | Octafish | Nov-19-08 05:11 PM | #42 |
 Hugh Aynesworth played an important role in the media cover-up of the assassination of JFK | MinM | Nov-19-08 08:17 PM | #49 |
  Abraham Bolden and Ralph Yates too... | MinM | Nov-19-08 08:48 PM | #52 |
 Just finished reading Bolden's book and it is pretty good... | jxnmsdemguy65 | Nov-20-08 01:14 PM | #69 |
 Good book putting a lot on record for history ...again many wetre intimidated -- | defendandprotect | Nov-21-08 10:06 PM | #114 |
 He was a patsy like Oswald said that he was | Ichingcarpenter | Nov-19-08 01:34 AM | #7 |
  The Last Words of Lee Harvey Oswald | Octafish | Nov-20-08 03:35 PM | #76 |
 Thanks for posting. | Ragazz68 | Nov-21-08 10:52 PM | #129 |
 David Ferrie was born in 1918 and Oswald in 1938. | JDPriestly | Nov-19-08 01:56 AM | #9 |
  The second man from the left is clearly older than the others. | aquart | Nov-19-08 04:16 AM | #13 |
  that picture is Oswald as a teenager | RainDog | Nov-19-08 04:14 PM | #36 |
   I thought Ferrie looked the same age as the teenagers. | JDPriestly | Nov-20-08 02:17 AM | #62 |
  PBS - More about the Ferrie Photo | Octafish | Nov-20-08 03:50 PM | #77 |
 k&r'd -- we're doomed to repeat the history we don't know. | snot | Nov-19-08 02:01 AM | #10 |
  Oswald, the CIA and Mexico City -- What's Up with the Fake Oswald? | Octafish | Nov-20-08 04:52 PM | #82 |
 I think he was a patsy too. Assisted. The cover up is the betrayal of democracy though. | upi402 | Nov-19-08 02:02 AM | #11 |
  The JFK Assassination - A False Mystery Concealing State Crimes | Octafish | Nov-20-08 10:05 PM | #96 |
 I | upi402 | Nov-20-08 11:41 PM | #97 |
 I believe Oswald was just what he said he was - | anotheryellowdog | Nov-19-08 02:04 AM | #12 |
  Poppy Bush brought up the assassination at President Ford's funeral and chuckled. | Octafish | Nov-21-08 11:25 PM | #133 |
 Perhaps Gerald Ford's final authorized biography sheds new light on the assassination... | AntiFascist | Nov-22-08 02:58 AM | #138 |
 Oswald was a patsy and some sort of low level CIA/Navy Intelligence asset | FKA MNChimpH8R | Nov-19-08 04:21 AM | #14 |
  Also this supposed out-spoken Marine Communist | ngant17 | Nov-19-08 06:03 AM | #15 |
  "A former Marine does not defect to the USSR from Cold War America, | Lydia Leftcoast | Nov-20-08 12:35 AM | #61 |
   I can remember Oswald's mother claiming he was a spy for U.S. | dflprincess | Nov-20-08 01:51 PM | #72 |
    I believed her but then when so many ignored it ..I wasn't sure .. I was naive -- | defendandprotect | Nov-21-08 10:12 PM | #115 |
   Well said, Lydia | FKA MNChimpH8R | Nov-20-08 07:34 PM | #91 |
  Lee Harvey Oswald at Age 62 | Octafish | Nov-22-08 12:01 AM | #135 |
 Dr. Mellen left quite a bit out of that cherrypicking extravaganza | boloboffin | Nov-19-08 06:09 AM | #16 |
  Also, "the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository was the most likely origin of the shot" | boloboffin | Nov-19-08 06:57 AM | #18 |
   You are wasting your time. | cobalt1999 | Nov-19-08 08:18 AM | #20 |
    The only thing I hope to accomplish is showing the casual reader that we all don't fall for this | boloboffin | Nov-19-08 09:21 AM | #23 |
     Good idea. | cobalt1999 | Nov-19-08 09:30 AM | #25 |
      Why did you leave chemtrails out? | wtmusic | Nov-19-08 01:38 PM | #33 |
     Well, that's because Chem-trails are real | cobalt1999 | Nov-19-08 04:47 PM | #39 |
     But...but... | wtmusic | Nov-19-08 01:43 PM | #34 |
      There is that. | boloboffin | Nov-19-08 08:16 PM | #48 |
     If you only believe political conspiracies happen OUTSIDE the U.S. but NEVER to the U.S., then | judasdisney | Nov-19-08 05:33 PM | #43 |
    Are you trying to make sense and not succeeding? n/t | boloboffin | Nov-19-08 08:12 PM | #47 |
    Then enlighten us retards by explaining again your Magic Bullet Theory n/t | judasdisney | Nov-20-08 06:05 PM | #85 |
    There was no magic bullet theory. Connelly was seated lower and to the left of JFK. | mistertrickster | Nov-20-08 07:04 PM | #87 |
    And... | Liberal OIF Vet | Nov-20-08 08:23 PM | #93 |
    JFK's wound in rear was on RIGHT side of his SHOULDER at 45 degree DOWNWARD angle --- | defendandprotect | Nov-21-08 10:24 PM | #117 |
    I'm convinced that if there is a JFK conspiracy... | Hippo_Tron | Nov-19-08 08:52 PM | #54 |
   Yep and the Magic Bullet was real. | MessiahRp | Nov-19-08 11:33 AM | #28 |
    You see, that's what the people at the Discovery Channel just proved, yet again. | boloboffin | Nov-19-08 12:52 PM | #30 |
   No bullet can do what that bullet was said to have done | MessiahRp | Nov-19-08 12:55 PM | #31 |
    Actually it could have. | boloboffin | Nov-19-08 01:22 PM | #32 |
   No evidence will ever convince the tinfoilers they might be wrong. They would have to admit | 123infinity | Nov-19-08 08:55 PM | #55 |
   Sure he did...and Sadam really did have WMD... | truebrit71 | Nov-20-08 01:12 PM | #68 |
   The problem with this theory | FKA MNChimpH8R | Nov-20-08 07:43 PM | #92 |
   The Discovery Channel "proved" it using information from the Warren Commission report | dflprincess | Nov-20-08 01:48 PM | #71 |
   It's a bought-out History Channel -- totally dismantled and disabled ... | defendandprotect | Nov-21-08 10:27 PM | #118 |
   A team of Experts from Discovery Channel? Why didn't you say so? Case Closed! | the other one | Nov-19-08 03:40 PM | #35 |
    Clear Channel now owns it -- it's been dismantled ... | defendandprotect | Nov-21-08 10:28 PM | #119 |
   Obviously you've never been there -- he would have had to hang out window by his legs--!!! | defendandprotect | Nov-21-08 10:20 PM | #116 |
  ...which, of course, you have read cover to cover .... | tomp | Nov-19-08 08:21 AM | #21 |
   As have you. | boloboffin | Nov-19-08 09:20 AM | #22 |
  Agreed. Oswald claims he did not have a rifle, but he was effing PHOTOGRAPHED | mistertrickster | Nov-20-08 06:58 PM | #86 |
   LOOK at the photo -- his head, someone else's body --- | defendandprotect | Nov-21-08 10:32 PM | #120 |
  True - but OP's like this follow in the Nazi tradition of "stabbed-in-the-back" conspiracy theory. | apocalypsehow | Nov-21-08 12:22 AM | #100 |
   The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination | Octafish | Nov-21-08 09:38 AM | #106 |
    This is the man who encouraged HST to drop bomb on Japan --? | defendandprotect | Nov-21-08 10:35 PM | #121 |
   So, you're saying . . . | martymar64 | Nov-22-08 08:52 AM | #141 |
  Besmirching History: Vincent Bugliosi Assassinates Kennedy Again | Octafish | Nov-21-08 11:49 PM | #134 |
 K and R | goclark | Nov-19-08 06:44 AM | #17 |
 kr | Progs Rock | Nov-19-08 08:12 AM | #19 |
 Admiral Turner tried to clean out the CIA of the cowboys. | formercia | Nov-19-08 09:27 AM | #24 |
 Atsugi Assassins | MinM | Nov-19-08 11:21 AM | #26 |
  This also pops up in Peter Levenda's | junofeb | Nov-19-08 08:45 PM | #51 |
  No -- Oswald was trained by and worked for CIA and FBI -- | defendandprotect | Nov-21-08 09:52 PM | #111 |
 He was a mystery, shrouded in an enigma, | slackmaster | Nov-19-08 11:24 AM | #27 |
 I first heard of Oswald when I came home from school. | bikebloke | Nov-19-08 11:37 AM | #29 |
  What is truly amazing when you look back on those precomputer, | dflprincess | Nov-21-08 10:55 PM | #131 |
 Thank you. | H2O Man | Nov-19-08 04:20 PM | #37 |
  New Alaska Sen. Mark Begich's Father was U.S. Rep. Nick Begich -- died with Rep. Hale Boggs | Octafish | Nov-21-08 12:03 AM | #99 |
 Very interesting re Boggs & Bigich father dying in same plane crash .... | defendandprotect | Nov-21-08 10:39 PM | #122 |
 My husband bought me Mellen's book for Christmas after a previous recommendation from you. | mod mom | Nov-19-08 04:57 PM | #40 |
 Read Norman Mailer's "Oswald's Tale." | DemoTex | Nov-19-08 07:22 PM | #45 |
  Mailer is an idiot -- | defendandprotect | Nov-21-08 10:39 PM | #123 |
 This is hard to believe when read literally | gristy | Nov-19-08 08:10 PM | #46 |
  You have some reading to catch up with ... | defendandprotect | Nov-21-08 10:40 PM | #124 |
 Another excellent read that implicates the CIA, mob and Texas oilmen: Mafia Kingfish, | bertman | Nov-19-08 08:35 PM | #50 |
 K&R | bobbiejo | Nov-19-08 09:06 PM | #56 |
 He was a counterintelligence CIA agent | Flute | Nov-19-08 09:18 PM | #57 |
  CI/SIG held a 201 file on Lee Oswald prior to the assassination | MinM | Nov-21-08 12:26 AM | #102 |
 Just a lead singer for a band... | meuniermr | Nov-19-08 09:19 PM | #58 |
  My brother-in-law sent that pic awhile back with the tag "Thank you Dallas, and good night." | apocalypsehow | Nov-21-08 12:35 AM | #103 |
 This was fascinating! | 8_year_nightmare | Nov-19-08 10:27 PM | #59 |
  Midwest Today | WHO KILLED DOROTHY KILGALLEN? | MinM | Nov-27-08 10:46 PM | #145 |
 K&R! | Pastiche423 | Nov-20-08 12:28 AM | #60 |
 Hmmm, this looks interesting... | AntiFascist | Nov-20-08 03:09 AM | #63 |
 Too late to recommend, but I can kick it. n/t | proReality | Nov-20-08 10:51 AM | #65 |
 The conspiracy extension "magic bullet" types are so dim that they | KCabotDullesMarxIII | Nov-20-08 11:31 AM | #66 |
 It's our birth certificate moment. | jobycom | Nov-20-08 12:46 PM | #67 |
 And 45 years later.... | Baby Snooks | Nov-20-08 01:30 PM | #70 |
  Clay Shaw the CIA also had to admit was CIA .... | defendandprotect | Nov-21-08 10:42 PM | #125 |
 from Dallas Morning News - 11-16-08 Oswald co-worker no longer silent about JFK assassination role | MrsBrady | Nov-20-08 02:42 PM | #74 |
  This man saw.... | Liberal OIF Vet | Nov-20-08 02:52 PM | #75 |
   Oswald couldn't have separated the barrel from the stock? | mistertrickster | Nov-20-08 07:21 PM | #88 |
  Makes pefect sense.... | Liberal OIF Vet | Nov-20-08 08:26 PM | #94 |
  Doesn't everybody carry a gun in Texas? | Sebastian Doyle | Nov-20-08 08:31 PM | #95 |
  Boy ... | defendandprotect | Nov-21-08 10:45 PM | #127 |
  That should be a thread ...high levels of intimidation have to be understood ,,, | defendandprotect | Nov-21-08 10:44 PM | #126 |
 Thank you for the Big Picture, Octafish. | robertpaulsen | Nov-20-08 03:57 PM | #78 |
 Truth Seekers | Mark D. | Nov-20-08 04:04 PM | #80 |
  true, exit wounds are larger. how dumb can we be? | upi402 | Nov-20-08 11:45 PM | #98 |
  The Big Bankers, huh? Behind every BIG BADDIE deal in history, weren't they? I hear me some | apocalypsehow | Nov-21-08 01:48 AM | #105 |
   Yeah....it's not like we had genocide of natives, nor enslavement of ... | defendandprotect | Nov-21-08 10:53 PM | #130 |
  Keep posting ... | defendandprotect | Nov-21-08 10:48 PM | #128 |
  I don't know if the second shot came from the Grassy Knoll... | AntiFascist | Nov-22-08 12:10 AM | #136 |
 Here's info on John Roselli... | AntiFascist | Nov-22-08 02:11 AM | #137 |
 Kicking this up. | David Zephyr | Nov-20-08 05:27 PM | #84 |
 He certainly wasn't the character portrayed in The Warren Commission Report-kick | bobthedrummer | Nov-20-08 07:24 PM | #89 |
 An employee of Prescott Bush and Richard Nixon | peanut2010 | Nov-20-08 07:33 PM | #90 |
 Please read both sides before buying into the JFK conspiracy theories. | kevinds13 | Nov-21-08 12:25 AM | #101 |
  That's like asking a Fundamentalist Christian or Muslim to read Darwin or Anton LaVey | apocalypsehow | Nov-21-08 01:29 AM | #104 |
  The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald | MinM | Nov-21-08 10:03 AM | #107 |
 The biggest problem... | Liberal OIF Vet | Nov-21-08 10:30 AM | #108 |
 "Oswald worked for CIA on high level assignments and probably for FBI" -- | defendandprotect | Nov-21-08 09:49 PM | #110 |
 I recommend "Executive Action" | dflprincess | Nov-21-08 11:17 PM | #132 |
  Cuba should be the one thing tying together the conspiracy... | AntiFascist | Nov-22-08 03:44 AM | #139 |
  Donald Sutherland wanted - Executive Action (1973) - subtitled C.I.A. | MinM | Nov-25-08 02:21 PM | #143 |
 Thirteen Days (2000) is another good one... | MinM | Nov-26-08 01:02 PM | #144 |
 The Parallax View (1974) | Original Trailer (& review) | MinM | Dec-01-08 03:27 PM | #146 |
 the scapegoat for kennedy murder | spanone | Dec-01-08 03:28 PM | #147 |
  Cut-outs, moles, patsies and provocateurs | MinM | Dec-02-08 08:44 PM | #148 |
 Lee Harvey Oswald was a US intel asset who was used as a patsy. | TexasObserver | Dec-04-08 10:10 PM | #150 |
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