I began to search for the people that have been united to support Mr. Bolden and this is what I found.
The Obama Timeline... and thoughts on restoring the greatness of America
President Bush: Pardon Abraham Bolden
The Obama Timeline (8/4/1961 - 4/29/2009)
The Obama Timeline: Part II (Day 101 - 03/05/2010)
The Obama Timeline: References
The Obama Timeline Author Interview
Follow Colony14 on Twitter
Veterans Running for Congress
Obama Presidential Eligibility - An Introductory Primer
Boycott / Support List
Declaration of Independence
U. S. Constitution
Little Things You Can Do...
Unemployment Map of the United States
The truth about the Bush tax cuts
Declaration of Tea Party Independence
The impact of ObamaCare...
Obama Caught Lip-Syncing Speech
Dear Mr. Carter:
How They Killed Kennedy
The Great Enemy of the Truth
The official Sasha and Malia reading list
Why Obama illegally fired an Inspector General
159 Big Spending, Big Government Features of Obamacare
Great news for Olbermann, Matthews, and Cooper!
There's A Communist Living in the White House!
Security or political correctness?
Bernanke on a Bailout of the Treasury
Judge Andrew Napolitano on health care legislation
U.S. health care inflation less than Canada and England
Governor Christie sets a leadership example for Obama
I'm Sure Glad The Recession Ended
Death of a Democrat entrepreneur
The Top 20 PACs
Bill Gates is evil... and an idiot
If Our Colleges And Universities Do Not Breed Men Who Riot
The Four Boxes
Obama Birth Certificate Destroyed in Hawaii Tsunami!
Obama Fatigue
Hyperinflation and its Consequences for America
Illegal Immigration by the Numbers
What to say to global-warming fearmongers
Will somebody please...
And what about bananas?
The Left's Deep, Dark Secret
Master of the Insulting Gesture
Obama gives Ryan the finger at 5:25
Why Obama's job numbers are phony
Woman of the Year
Progressive Islam... be warned
Narrowbacks, Wetbacks, and Payback
MSNBC Hyprocites
Obama's Secret Blueprint
Wall Street's Bailout Hustle
Obama's Big Sellout
After America, there is no place to go...
Civil disobedience and the census
How to lose the war in Afghanistan
Buy more blankets...
The worst politicians money can buy...
A sign of the times...
Li'l Leaders
GOP Valentines's Day Cards
Defend Michael Behenna
Clinton's stents and ObamaCare
President Me! The Musical
Economic Warnings From an Elderly 3rd Grader
Memory aids...
Bush defict bad, Obama deficit good?
The Code of the West versus the Code of the Left
The Decadent Democrats
If at first you don't secede...
Charlie Wilson and Ronald Reagan's War
The Coming Obama Retirement Trap
Stimulus Jobs Going to China
Palin's Notes vs. Obama's TelePrompTer
Dancing With the Politicians!
Did Open Border Policies Set Off Mortgage Meltdown?
Obama Shrine
Global Disastrification!
Another Look at Obama's Origins
Who Told Fox to Shut Up?
Fallacies Behind Abortion on Demand
Obama: Imaginary Friend of Democrats
How to Blame Bush: Lie
Air America is off the air
Government Snow Plow
Obama talks too much
Why Obama beat McCain
We're Screwed!
Obama's $2.2 trillion in tax increases
Obama's spending cuts and freezes
Obama is nuts...
Airplane laptop fun! (No, don't try it on a plane.)
Unemployed? It's part of Obama's plan
A new era of irresponsibility
Media Malpractice at March for Life
The real story from Haiti...
Obama the vindictive
Really... the guy is nuts
The Obama trash can...
Egypt's move backward
The hottest hoax in the world
Trying terrorists: some facts
The Islam Tax
More Mr. Nice Guy
More Washington
Obama's Nazi Doctors
"Don't demonize me, teabaggers!"
High school brainwashing, Obama style
Make Mine Freedom (1948)
Hello There, Mr. President
This should get your blood boiling...
You're on your own, airline passengers
...and the Leftists aren't pleased either
This little piggy...
That's what we do... we're Americans
Obama clearance sale
$10 says it was Shepard Smith at Fox
Leftist thuggery in action...
Keep your hand on your wallet...
Why the Dems want "Immigration Reform"
America's Impending Master Class Dictatorship
Milton Friedman, the prophet
The more things change...
Does Obama really need...
Head injury, brain surgery, or bad haircut?
Mirror, mirror, on the wall...
Mirror, Part II...
England today, U.S. tomorrow?
Freeze that Waste and Fraud (01/26/2009)
D.C. Double-Dippers
Why O'Reilly and Beck ridicule "birthers"
Stimulus Sign
Teddy's Wake
You can't make this stuff up...
Will doctors dump their Medicare patients on March 1?
The Real Conspiracy...
State of Disunion
Harry Reid Carries MasterLard
Obama, the Tax Man!
The Supreme Court Ruled Correctly
Why California is Broke
How pathetic!
The Bronze Rat
Obama did this! (01/23/2009)
Republican Women versus Democrat Women...
Obama's First Year
California Dreamin'
Bush advisor mops the floor with Christiane Amanpour
Obama and the 7 Dorks
Hitler learns that Coakley lost to Brown...
Obama vs. Tiger
Senator Brown's daughter sings the National Anthem
Obama's Job to be Outsourced to India
Coakley and the Curling Iron Case
A Brown Victory Would Signal Second American Revolution
Haiti's on Hold while Hussein is Heckled
Democrats hoisted with their own petard (01/18/2009)
Who loses when the dollar collapses?
ObamaCare's Marriage Penalty
Top 10 Union Corruption Stories of 2009
Global Waming - The Other Side
More proof Obama is an idiot (01/15/2010)
How to keep your airline luggage safe
Higher taxes, higher insurance premiums...
Massachusetts Miracle
Cocaine in the White House?
Ghana newspaper calls Obama Kenyan-born
Connecting the dots... in Hawaii
An offer you should refuse...
Anti-War Protestors
Impeach Obama simply on the basis of fraud!
A Speech Full of Promises to Break
Guide to Offensive Statements by Public Officials
Republic, I like the sound of the word...
I'm gonna tell you something, Flaca...
Connecting the Dots
Democrats on an Escalator
What Obama Thinks of Average Americans
Horowitz and Cadell
Keep America Safe: 100 Hours
Who's Your Daddy?
Obama's Next Three Years
Obama's Failed Freshman Year
Strangers On My Flight
Warning to All America
The 40 Most Obnoxious Quotes of 2009
Why Detroit Sucks
The Third Jihad
An Open Letter to Democrat Politicians
No Left Turns
My dog is a Democrat
Sarah Palin, Man of the Year
Proof that liberals are NUTS!
Three Terrible Choices (12/31/2009)
Secession: The Hope for Humanity
Bungling Ben Bernanke
Another reason to fear ObamaCare
Obama will not rest...
Shame on Obama for doing nothing...
Obama and the Iranian Protesters (12/28/2009)
New Airline Rules
Obama's Real Report Card
We don't need no stinkin' Constitutional authority! (12/27/2009)
What Liberals Do Not Understand
Obama Gaffe List
Muslim Ghost Town
50 Years of Democrat Rule
Recession Over, Depression Beginning
Global Warming Thoughts
The President Without a Country
Top 25 Features of ObamaCare
Obama: Unhinged in Copenhagen
White Guilt in 3D
Yet another job-killing tax...
Fascism, defined...
Away with the Manger
The Greatest Man in the World
We Must Take the Threat Seriously
Nazi Eurabia, and America's Fate
The Public Option: Explained in 41 Seconds
Merry Christmas, from Harry Reid
Terrorist Test Runs?
Wikipedia and the Global Warming Scam
Why no one watches MSNBC...
Beggar in Chief (12/20/2009)
A Republic, not a Democracy
We the People
A new low for the left (Warning: foul language)
America Under Obama
Climategate: History's Message
The Need for Shame (12/19/2009)
One Nation Under God
Never Forget
A great Newt Gingrich speech
How to Stop Obama
The first 8 of the last 9 years... (12/18/2009)
America needs more men and women like this
ObamaCare will Kill People
Global Warming Linked to Postal Rates!
The Manufactured Health Care Crisis
Isolate and Crush the Secular Socialist Left
ObamaCare meets Global Warming (12/17/2009)
Consumers Lose Under ObamaCare
100 Reasons Why Climate Change is Natural
A Sarah Palin Primer (12/15/2009)
The History of Republican Evil
Climate Scientologists Exposed
A Suggested Survival List
The Globalony Warming Apostles' Creed (12/15/2009)
The Reagan Obama Debate
The Death of the Dollar
Alien Tree Hugger
One child per family... (12/14/2009)
Capitalist Pigs and Global Warming
The Death of the Dollar
Twas the Night Before a Non-Denominational Winter Holiday
Hide the Decline
United Nations Gun Ban Plan
Obama Ensures a Long Depression
Nowhere to Hide
Why California is in trouble...
Social Security Will Go Bust in 2010
Not hiring...
ObamaCare is Bad Medicine
The Worst American President poster
Another reason Obama has to go...
Obama's Safe Schools Czar Promotes Pornography
Walking around blindly...
General Patton on tthe War on Terror
Alinsky Does Afghanistan
Nice work if you can get it...
Everything old is new again (12/03/2009)
A military mother's take on the president's speech
Obama Mirrors LBJ's Vietnam Exit Speech
Party Crashers
Roe, roe, roe your ship of state (12/02/2009)
Obama's triangulation
Why I Own Gold (11/28/2009)
The Geography of a Recession
Global Cooling May Be Coming
The Day Al Gore Stood Still
Digits and Revolution
The Great Thanksgiving Hoax
Does Spaghetti Cause Wind? (11/25/2009)
Climategate Hide the Decline
Read this... and buy gold
A business offer you can't refuse...
A German's view of Islam (11/24/2009)
Sarah Palin's Breast Panel (11/21/2009)
People said it didn't matter...
Secession From Obama's America
A Case for Secession
Trial and Terror
Psalm 2009
Obama Is Not Eligible
A man beneath contempt... (11/13/2009)
Almost beyond belief...
Amnesty by any other name... (11/14/2009)
Thank you, President Bush and Mrs. Bush
Jihad AND Treason
Devil's Dictionary of Healthcare Reform
Advice for Weak-Kneed GOP Senators
The Employee Meeting (11/10/2009)
This lunacy has got to end... (11/09/2009)
The New Obama-Pelosi Stealth Tax
The Health Care Bill in 90 Seconds
Health Care in Cuba
The 2012 Race
Circus Tents and Side Shows (11/06/2009)
The Worst Bill Ever
PelosiCare Reading Guide
The Pelosi Bill
Obama, the Proud Muslim
Gold and Freedom
(Olympia) Snowe Job (10/30/2009)
Dear Mr. O'Reilly:
Reagan's Rendezvous with Destiny
Birds, Pigs, and Vaccines... Oh, My! (10/27/2009)
The Government Can
The Shrinking Middle Class
Health Insurers NOT So Profitable
Why Health Insurance?
Explain this, Hussein!
Baucus Bill Bull (10/24/2009 update)
The Baucus Health Care Bill Decoded
Internet Censorship
We noticed...
But, oh, the humidity!
Just Texas
Where's the Inflation? (10/18/2009)
ObamaCare the Musical!
Obama Addresses and Multiple SSNs
Obama Meets with General McChrystal
Doogie Howser for ObamaCare
Job Loss Map, by Date
How Crazy Are Those Birthers?
Doctors "Going Galt"
Socialism, Fascism, and Obama (October 12, 2009)
A hoax? Or even more evidence?
ACORN Employment Application
Obama and Madame Defarge (October 10, 2009)
Don Rickles Roasts Congress
Kool-Aid in Kokomo
The Secret Scrapbook of Barry Soetoro
Letter to the Nobel Prize Committee (10/09/2009)
Nobel Peace Prize Jokes
Ignored Advice
The Energy Non-Crisis
Top 10 Reasons Why Chicago Lost the Olympics
Letter to Mark Kirk (October 5, 2009)
Obama's Olympics (10/02/2009)
Implications of House Bill 3200 (09/14/2009)
Health Insurance for Dummies (09/11/2009)
Why Obama is an Idiot (09/09/2009)
Judge Orders Obama Eligibility Case to Proceed
Who is Obama?
The Last Black President (3/11/2009)
Sergeant Friday Lectures Obama
Marine Corps Bumper Stickers
Canadian Health Care Exposed
The Cow Allegory - Updated
Teddy's Welcoming Committee...
The AMA and Obamacare (7/21/2009)
While Obama Fiddles... (6/24/2009)
Negotiating With Terrorists (6/24/2009)
Madoff's Scheme (June 2009)
Dr. Obama's Health Care Prescription (June 12, 2009)
Understanding the House Democrat health care bill (6/9/2009)
A Moment of Silence (7/6/2009)
Excellent translation work! (July 2009)
In Commemoration of Juneteenth (July 2009)
Why the Meltdown Should Have Surprised No One (6/12/ 2009)
America is NOT evil (4/28/2009)
Blueprint for a Smaller Government (June 2009)
Dear Ms. Roesgen: (4/16/2009)
World History 101 (June 2009)
Where is John Galt? (4/5/2009)
President Pantywaist (4/10/2009)
Obama's Incurable Nausea
The Socialist Brain of a Liberal Democrat
Surviving in a post-American world
Obama reaches out to moderate pirates
Secession - One Year Later
It didn't work then either...
One more time please...
Obama is spelled N-A-I-V-E
The gifts that keep on giving...
A Question of Morality...
The Founding Fathers' Error...
The Job Destruction Act of 2009
A picture is worth a thousand words...
I hate to admit it...
Help for small businesses?
Most NATO "Allies" are Useless
Three Strikes and You're Outraged!
OFA oafs
Perverted Priorities
An ingrate for the ages...
Where is Obama's scalpel?
Body counts and tipping points
Are you a Democrat, Republican, or Southerner?
Justice, Iranian style...
Dear Senator __________:
The Little Red Hen - revisited
A bail-out allegory
BHOSO's speech to Congress, translated
Please, no more promises...
Choose your weapon, Eric Holder!
The Axis of Idiots
Churchill or Patton he ain't...
In the beginning, Obama created...
Govern from the center?
Salary caps and other liberal lunacies
Fat black women need not apply
Kill the Death Tax!
Dear Senator Stabenow:
My brush with the Chief of Staff
A sod but wiser man...
Invalid, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness...
Throw That Drowning Man an Anvil
Do As I Say...
No right to buy ammunition?
A REAL stimulus package...
Obama got what he wanted...
President Bush: Pardon Abraham Bolden
Obama's Stimulating Package
Lightning Rod Blagojevich
Schlossberg for Senator?
The Psychology of Barack Obama
Obama's First Attacks on Our Liberties
A modest proposal...
Altruism versus Self-Interest
Why McCain Lost
Obama's "Stealth Slavery Reparations"
If Obama wins...
Obama's 95 per cent tax cut lie
A failure of government, not capitalism...
Truman's hope for peace in the Mideast
What Obama would do...
An Obama share-the-wealth experiment
Obama's associations
Questions the media should (but won't) ask Obama during the debates
Why Hollywood supports Obama
Obama's Energy Policy
Why I'm voting Democrat...
First impressions of the first debate...
A modest proposal - to save $700 billion
The Threshold Factor
What's wrong with compromise
Podiums and lecterns and nukes, oh my!
Obama's spring break in Pakistan
Palin, abstract art, and American Idol
Obama and equal pay for women
Eddie Haskell for President?
Liberal hypocrites
Who wrote it?
Obama the flim-flam man
Biden's Talk versus Palin's Walk
Two lawyers
Three-fifths of a person
North to Alaska
Obama's coronation lies and obfuscations...
Cut my salary, please...
Michelle Obama's "Revolutionary" Speech
Obama's baby-sitters
Still no thrill up my leg...
Plead the Fifth and screw the Tenth
Well I've never been to China...
Brother, can you spare 0.7 per cent of GDP?
How Michelle Obama got that big raise
We don't need no stinkin' secret ballots!
Michael Moore's Strong Suit
At least he doesn't snore...
Trickle-down misery...
The cure for cancer...
O. J. the Abortionist
The liberal thought process explained...
Remember the Alamo!
First, do no harm...
It's Not That Easy Bein' Green
BHOSO the Clown
Obama is no JFK...
Obama's startling defense of the 9/11 terrorists
Look inside: Colony 14
Look inside: What You Don't Know About Economics Can Hurt You
July 2009
Day 101
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
Octiber 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
Anyone following the issue of Presidential pardons is aware that conservatives are pleading with George W. Bush to pardon Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. Ramos and Compean were Texas border agents who were convicted for shooting (in the derriere) a fleeing drug suspect as he attempted to cross the border into Mexico. He had been trying to smuggle more than a million dollars worth of drugs. They certainly deserve to be pardoned, if most of the news reports describing their actions have been correct. Most Americans would consider Ramos and Compean good Americans, if not heroes, for risking their lives every day while trying to keep their country safe.
Of course, pretty much everyone currently in prison believes he shouldn’t be there, and Obama will more than likely do what he can to accommodate them by appointing federal judges who would rather blame “society” for crimes than the criminals who commit them. But time is running short on a man who has been fighting to clear his name for more than 40 years. That man deserves a pardon from President Bush. He also deserves an apology from the CIA, the FBI, the Secret Service, and the Kennedy family.
After working his way through college and graduating cum laude from Lincoln University, Abraham S. Bolden spent a year working for Pinkerton. He then became an Illinois State Trooper, a job he held for four years. His performance and record was exemplary, and President Eisenhower appointed Bolden to the Secret Service in 1959. He was assigned to Chicago, where he successfully investigated and stopped counterfeiting rings. For that work Bolden received two commendations.
In 1961, President John F. Kennedy offered Bolden a job in the White House security detail. He accepted, and became the first black Secret Service agent with the job of protecting the President of the United States. After three months at the White House, Bolden became disillusioned, partly because of racial slurs from the white agents, and because of the need for him to be housed separately when the agents traveled through southern states. He complained to his supervisor about those issues, as well as the unprofessional attitude of other agents (who often drank heavily, despite strict rules against such behavior). Bolden was transferred back to Chicago, where he returned to counterfeiting cases.
President Kennedy was scheduled to make an appearance in Chicago on Saturday, November 2, 1963. Secret Service agents were in place. Crowds of people had already gathered to watch the President’s motorcade travel down the Northwest Expressway (later re-named the Kennedy Expressway). His arrival in the city was expected at 11:00 A.M. At the last minute, the trip was called off. The publicized reason was that Kennedy “had a cold.”
The real reason was that an assassination plot, involving a four-man team, had been uncovered.
A few weeks later, Kennedy visited Tampa. A second plot was in place there. The assassins called it off at the last minute.
The Chicago and Tampa plots to kill Kennedy were kept secret for decades. Until some government documents were unclassified in the 1990s, virtually no one knew of the events, aside from Secret Service agents, some FBI and CIA agents – and the people who had planned to kill Kennedy.
All the agents, including Bolden, were ordered not to discuss any aspect of the assassination attempt or their investigation with anyone – then or at any time in the future.
On November 22, 1963, the third plot to kill Kennedy succeeded. The plans for the “hits” in Chicago, Tampa, and Dallas all originated with the mob. The mob steered investigators - and an unsuspecting media – to its equally unsuspecting patsy, Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald, who had both CIA and mob connections, was then eliminated by Jack Ruby (who also had CIA and mob connections), to stop him from leading investigators back to the mob.
Robert F. Kennedy immediately knew the mob had killed his brother. He also knew that he and his brother had been working with the CIA on a secret plan to have Fidel Castro (and his brother, Raul) assassinated on December 1, 1963. The killings would be the job of a high-ranking official in the Cuban military, and would signal the start of a coup. Cuban exiles, being trained by the CIA in Central American countries, would then land in Cuba and take control of its government. The interim government would then request military assistance from the United States. The Kennedys would be rid of Castro, without being accused of direct involvement – if all went well.
What RFK didn’t know (at least until JFK was assassinated) was that the mob had infiltrated the coup organization. Robert Kennedy then had no choice but to allow Oswald to be blamed for the assassination of his brother. A full investigation would have shown that the mob, not Oswald, was responsible for the murder of the President. But it would also have made public the December 1 Cuban coup plot. To allow that plan to be known was unthinkable. At the very least, public knowledge of the plans would tarnish his brother’s image, as well as destroy his own political career. At the very worst, it could lead to a nuclear confrontation with the Soviet Union. Robert Kennedy had to say nothing. The plans for December 1 were cancelled.
The December 1 plans were known to almost no one in the government outside the Kennedys and the CIA and those directly responsible for its implementation. Even Secretary of Defense McNamara was kept out of the loop. Unfortunately for the Kennedys, more people in the mob knew of the plans than did members of the President’s own cabinet.
The Warren Commission was denied information relating to the Cuban coup. It was also not told about the Chicago and Tampa assassination plans; to do otherwise would have made it impossible for the Warren Commission, and the general public, to accept the “Oswald acted alone” theory that the mob needed to cover its tracks, and which RFK and the CIA needed to keep its Cuban plans secret. The mob had successfully infiltrated the Kennedy coup, using that as a cover for its assassination of the President. The mob, which RFK had been hounding for years, had outwitted him – and he knew it.
But how does Abraham S. Bolden fit in? Bolden was scheduled to testify before the Warren Commission. He planned on telling what he knew about the lax security of the Secret Service and, more importantly, about the Chicago and Tampa plots that were uncovered. But Bolden could not be allowed to talk, or the truth could come out. (Bolden was also aware of witnesses at Parkland Hospital in Dallas who saw a bullet hole in the windshield of JFK’s limousine, a bullet hole that shouldn’t be there if Oswald was to be made the lone assassin.)
The day before Bolden was scheduled to testify before the Warren Commission he was arrested – on charges of counterfeiting. He never testified before the Warren Commission, but was instead sent to prison on the testimony of only two men. Both were known criminals. One was an associate of Sam DeStefano, who Bolden had arrested in the past. (The other later admitted he had lied under oath to convict Bolden of the bogus counterfeiting charges.) Bolden was sent to prison for six years; some of his time was spent in solitary.
Bolden’s accuser, Sam DeStefano, was murdered in 1973. His killer was likely Richard Cain. Cain was a CIA asset, who had also been with the Chicago Police Department, and was, in 1963, the chief investigator for the Cook County Sheriff’s Office. Cain’s real name was Ricardo Scalzetti, and he had been on mobster Sam Giancana’s payroll while with the Chicago Police Department. Cain was also connected to Johnny Rosselli, and had been part of CIA-Mafia plots to assassinate Castro, along with Santo Trafficante and Tony Varona. Cain also knew Cuba’s ex-president, Carlos Prio, who had infiltrated the December 1 Cuban coup scheme.
Cain had all the contacts he needed to know what was going on. In fact, he knew so much that he was also murdered, shortly after he had taken care of Sam DeStefano.
Robert Kennedy was aware that Bolden had been framed and sent to prison, but he felt powerless to intervene. In addition to feeling responsible for his own brother’s death, RFK also knew he could not act to free an innocent man from prison. He may have thought ahead to pardoning Bolden had he become President, but that was not to be.
Ironically, black Americans looked to the Kennedys to protect their rights as citizens, not knowing that actions by the Kennedys had caused the first black Secret Service agent to serve in the White House to be imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit.
George W. Bush can overturn the grave injustice done to Abraham Bolden by issuing a pardon.
Don Fredrick
December 19, 2008
Copyright December 19, 2008
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